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Change of Project


Chapter 10


Change of Project



10.1        The allottee may change the project at any stage for permissible activities only, provided the fixed cost of the changed project (land, building, plant and machinery and misc. fixed assets) is not below the fixed cost of the project as envisaged at the time of allotment of plot. Though no prior approval shall be required from HSIIDC for any such change of project, however, the allottee shall be required to intimate the same to the concerned Estate Manager of HSIIDC. Further, while undertaking any such change of project, factors such as nature of pollution, high water consumption/ effluent, availability of requisite infrastructure facilities in the concerned industrial estate to meet the proposed project parameters etc. shall be considered by the allottee and any approvals in this regard, if required, from State/Central Government, Pollution Control Board, Other Regulatory Bodies / authorities and compliance of their norms, shall be the responsibility of the allottee. The period for implementation of the changed project shall remain the same as per terms of allotment. No fee shall be payable for any such change of project.


10.2        In the case of allotment of plots/sheds in product specific Industrial Estates/Parks e.g.


Food Park, Technology Park, Footwear Park, Agriculture Implements park, Textile park etc., the change of project can be undertaken only for specified activities in that particular Estate/ Park.


10.3       Due diligence and warning to the allottees:


Although, there are no restrictions on change of project by the allottees and no prior permission is required from the HSIIDC for the same, however, if the premises is found to be utilized for any non-permissible activity, the allottee bears the risk of its resumption notwithstanding that he may plead ignorance about the rules. Hence, it is the duty of the allottee to carry out due diligence before undertaking any change of project.




[Project Consultants]

Kunj Behari Mahipal

C.Shekhar Mahipal (B.Com, LL.B Advocate)



[Chartered Accountants]

CA. Anand Shanker Mahipal

Contact Info: 

Mailing Address:

“DGM Building”
Old Court Road, Near Railway Crossing


Phones & Mobiles:
Phone: +91(1666) 232543, 234565, 234022
Mobile: +91-9416-351-167, 9050-902-425


