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                                                               VAT/GST REFUND SCHEME - DOWNLOAD



Name of the scheme

Investment Subsidy on VAT / SGST


Important Instructions

  1. The Ultra, Mega and Large units should have filed IEM with Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Govt. of India.
  2. The Micro, Small and Medium enterprise should have filed EM part-II/ Udyog Adhaar Memorandum with concerned District Industries Centre.
  3. The new investment in land, building, plant & machinery shall only be considered while working out eligible Fixed Capital Investment.
  4. The unit should not have been placed in the restrictive list as notified by the State government from time to time.
  5. NOC/CLU is required from competent Authority, if applicable.
  6. The unit should be in regular production at the time of disbursement of subsidy.
  7. In case of rejection of case, an appeal shall lie with the Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Haryana within a period of 30 days.
  8. The other terms and conditions will be applicable as laid down in the notification of the scheme.


Documents to be enclosed with the request

  1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership deed.
  2. Copy of Board resolution/ Power of attorney.
  3. Copy of IEM/ EM Part-II/ UAM Registration
  4. CA Certificate regarding fixed capital investment in land, building, Plant & machinery (Annexure-II)(existing and investment for expansion in case of existing units & investment for new units separately).
  5. List of new Plant & machinery (Date of purchase -Name of the plant & machinery —Value in Rs.(Annexure-III)
  6. Copies of the purchase invoices of plant & machinery/ equipments in sequence with details mentioned under Annexure-III.
  7. Audited balance sheet of the unit of last year (Applicable in case of existing Enterprises).
  8. Certificate from concerned Deputy Excise & Taxation Commissioner regarding net VAT/SGST deposited by the unit during the financial year for which claim has been filed(Annexure-IV)
  9. Copy of first sale bill.


Timeline and Procedure

  1. Submit application online with all the required documents within 03 months of the closing of financial year for which incentive is being claimed or date of notification of the scheme, whichever is later
  2. Online application submitted shall be processed and examined by concerned Joint Director/ Deputy Director.
  3. If any discrepancy is found, the application shall be put onhold and be communicated to the applicant within 10 working days.
  4. The applicant will rectify the deficiencies within 06 weeks failing which the application will liable to be rejected.
  5. After completion of the application, the approval letter will be issued within 60 working days.
  6. The applicant will submit the documents mentioned in approval letter within 15 days.
  7. Further, the sanction letter for releasing the incentive will be issued within 15 working days.