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                                                       STAMP DUTY REFUND SCHEME - DOWNLOAD



Name of the scheme

Stamp Duty Refund


Important Instructions

  1. All the new Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Mega Units & Industrial Estate Developers (who have purchased/taken the land after 14.08.2015 and before 14.08.2020 shall be admissible for the refund of stamp duty). Such units should have gone into commercial production after the notification of Enterprises Promotion Policy 2015 i.e. 14th August, 2015, are eligible.
  2. The unit should not have been placed in the restrictive list as notified by the State Government from time to time.
  3. The unit should have obtained NOC/CLU from competent Authority, if applicable.
  4. The unit should be in commercial production.
  5. All the general category industrial units are also eligible Stamp Duty Refund applicable to Micro, Small, Medium & Large category units, even if they are not covered under the thrust areas.
  6. The developer of Private Industrial Estate/ Industrial parks are eligible for refund of stamp duty after development of complete infrastructure in the industrial estate/ parks and obtained license from Competent Authority, if applicable.
  7. In case of rejection of case, an appeal shall lie with the Director of Industries /Administrative Secretary, Industries Haryana within a period of 30 days.


Documents to be enclosed with the request

  1. Application form on Annexure-I
  2. EM/UAM/IEM-Part II, if applicable.
  3. Photocopies of the Sale deed/lease deed registered with concerned sub-registrar showing the details of stamp duty.
  4. Mutation of the above sale deed/lease deed alongwith the khasra numbers of the land.
  5. Nakal Aks-shajra of the land.
  6. A verification report from the concerned Tehsildar regarding registration of Sales deed(s) and payment of Stamp duty


Timeline and Procedure

  1. Submit application online with all the required documents within 03 months after commencement of commercial production
  2. Online application submitted shall be processed and examined by concerned Joint Director/ Deputy Director.
  3. If any discrepancy is found, the application shall be put onhold and be communicated to the applicant within 10 working days.
  4. The applicant will rectify the deficiencies within 06 weeks failing which the application will liable to be rejected.
  5. After completion of the application, the approval letter will be issued within 60 working days.
  6. The applicant will submit the documents mentioned in approval letter within 15 days.
  7. After compliance of conditions of approval letter, the sanction letter for releasing the incentive will be issued within 15 working days.