(Central Marks Department-3)
1. Get the product tested from any one of the BIS Recognized Laboratories as per their approved scope (listed at BIS website( www.bis.org.in). All critical components shall be declared by the manufacturing unit and evidence of conformity (test report) of each component shall be submitted to lab, if applicable.
2. The Test Report shall be issued by the BIS Recognized Laboratory only in the name of the manufacturer(applicant) who is actually manufacturing the product. The Test Report(s) shall mention the name of the manufacturing unit and complete address (Factory).
3. Before submitting the application for registration in BIS, it should by ensured by the manufacturing unit that the Test Report is duly evaluated and complete in all respects.
4. Download the application (Form No. VI & VII) from BIS website ( www.bis.org.in)
5. Application in Form No.VI & Form No.VII should be completely filled-up and duly signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the manufacturing Unit (applicant) producing goods.
6.Submit the following to BIS for Registration :
(a) Form No.VI & Form No.VII, duly filled-up and signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the manufacturing unit or authorized representative (not Indian Representative). The manufacturing unit shall also submit the authorization letter in this regard. No column of application should be left blank.
(b) Along with the application, submit the document, issued by Govt. Authorities authenticating the manufacturing unit’s name & complete address. The name and complete address of the manufacturing unit shall be available in the document.
(c) In case of foreign manufacturer, Form No.VI & Form No.VII shall be countered signed by Indian Representative/Authorized Representative of Branch / Liaison Office (if established in India). Nomination form of Indian representative for foreign manufacturer signed by CEO/ Authorized Representative in prescribed format (refer BIS website www.bis.org.in) shall also be submitted.
(d) Test Report(s) issued by BIS recognized Laboratory (issued in the name and address of the manufacturing unit), after evaluation by the manufacturing unit. Test reports shall not be older than 90 days of issue date by lab.
(e) Agreement for grant of registration as per prescribed format for foreign manufacturer(refer BIS website www.bis.org.in) to be submitted after grant of registration and to be signed by Indian representative/authorized representative of branch and liaison office.
(f) Letter from the manufacturing unit forwarding the application.
BIS processing fees for Registration
[Project Consultants]
C.ShekharMahipal (B.Com, LL.B Advocate)
ANAND SHANKER & COMPANY [Chartered Accountants]
CA. Anand Shanker Mahipal
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