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Name of the scheme
Interest Subsidy Scheme
Important Instructions
- All Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises mentioned under clause 1(A) & (B) of the notification of the scheme and set up in the identified blocks of the State of Haryana, which have filed EM Part-II/ Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum with respective District Industries Centre and availed term loan from Financial Institutions (SIDBI, State Financial Institutions, Co-operative Banks, Sarv Haryana Gramin Bank)/ Banks shall be eligible.
- The items of manufacture should not fall in the restrictive list as notified by State Government from time to time.
- CLU/NOC is required from competent authority, if applicable.
- The unit should be in regular production at the time of disbursement of assistance.
- In case of rejection of case, an appeal shall lie with the Director of Industries and Commerce/Administrative Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Haryana within a period of 30 days.
Documents to be enclosed with the request
- Acknowledgement of EM part-II/ UAM registration
- Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership deed.
- Board resolution/ Power of attorney
- Change of Land Use (CLU)/ NOC from competent authority, if applicable.
- Certificate for Financial Institution on Letter Head of the Bank(Annexure-IV)
- CA Certificate regarding investment in plant & machinery for new unit/expansion/ diversification (Annexure-V)
- Audited balance sheet of the unit of last year (if Applicable).
- Certificate from concerned Deputy Excise & Taxation Commissioner (Sale Tax) regarding net VAT/SGST deposited by the applicant during the financial year of which claim has been filed (Annexure-VI).
- Copy of first sale bill.
Timeline and Procedure
- Submit application online with all the required documents within three months of the closing of the financial year of which incentive is being claimed.
- Online application submitted shall be processed and examined by concerned Joint Director/ Deputy Director.
- If any discrepancy is found, the application shall be put onhold and be communicated to the applicant within 10 working days.
- The applicant will rectify the deficiencies within 06 weeks failing which the application will liable to be rejected.
- After completion of the application, the approval letter will be issued within 60 working days.
- The applicant will submit the documents mentioned in approval letter within 15 days.
- After compliance of conditions of approval letter, the sanction letter for releasing the incentive will be issued within 15 working days.