Government of Haryana
Industries and Commerce Department
The 18th April, 2016 No. 49/43/2015-4IB1 in pursuance to the provision under chapter 12 of Enterprises Promotion Policy, 2015 notified vide No. 49/43/2015-4IB1 dated 14th August, 2015, the Governor of Haryana is pleased to formulate Scheme for grant-in-aid for the setting up of Primary Processing Centres(PPCs)/Collection Centres(CCs) in the Rural Areas of the State. The scheme will consist of the following provisions:
1. Objective:
The objective of the scheme is creation of effective backward linkages and empowerment of farmers. This can be achieved by value addition of produce, providing processing and preservation facilities at village level to help the farmers to enhance shelf life of perishable produce resulting in better remunerative prices for their agricultural produce.
2. Salient Features of the Scheme:
The Scheme of setting up of PPCs/CCs will have the following components:
a) Land requirement will be 1-2 acres.
b) Processing Facilities at the farm level which may include facilities for weighing cleaning, sorting, grading, packing, pre-cooling, Controlled Atmosphere (CA)/ Modified Atmosphere (MA), Cold Storage, Dry Warehouses and IQF.
c) Mobile Pre-cooling trucks/ vans and reefer vans which may be suitable for transportation of the perishable agricultural produce/horticulture/ dairy/meat/poultry/fish produce as per requirement.
d) Value addition and or processing of fruits and vegetables, using local produce as raw material.
3. Eligible Sectors:
The Scheme is applicable to both horticulture and non-horticulture produce such as: fruits, vegetables, grains & pulses, dairy products, meat, poultry and fish etc.
4. Eligible organizations:
The individual entrepreneurs/ farmers, group of entrepreneur/ farmers, associations/organizations, co-operative societies, self-help groups, non-government organizations are eligible for assistance under the scheme for developing the above facilities.
5. Eligibility Conditions:
i) The applicant should have good financial back ground to implement the project.
ii) The Proposals for the project should be duly appraised by the Bank/ Financial Institutions.
iii) The appraisal report should contain the project components for which grant is sought under the scheme.
iv) Date of commercial operations should not be prior to the date of submission of application.
v) No second proposal from the same applicant/ organization shall be accepted.
6. Procedure for Submission of Applications:
Applicants seeking financial assistance are required to submit their applications in prescribed format (Annexure–A) to the Director General, Industries & Commerce within a period of 6 months from the sanction of term loan by the banks/ financial institutions. Condonation of delay in submitting the application for a further period of one month can be permitted with the approval of Director General of Industries & Commerce, keeping in view the merits of the case.
7. Documents required:
i) Application in the prescribed format (Annexure-A).
ii) Detailed project report.
iii) Sanction letter of term loan from bank/financial institutions.
iv) Appraisal report from Bank/Financial Institution.
v) Certificate of incorporation/registration of the organization, Memorandum and Articles of Association and Bye laws of the society (If applicable)/partnership deed etc.
vi) Annual reports and Audited Statement of Accounts of last three years, in case of existing establishment.
vii) Blue print of the building Plan.
viii) Land title documents i.e. sale deed or lease deed.
ix) Item wise and cost wise details of civil work envisaged duly certified by Chartered Engineer (Civil).
x) Item wise and cost wise details of plant & machinery envisaged duly certified by Chartered Engineer (Mechanical).
xi) Copy of SSI/EM/IEM.
xii) A declaration to the effect:
"that the organization has not obtained/applied for or will not obtain any grant/subsidy from any Ministry/Department of Central Govt./GoI organization/agencies for the same purpose/ activity/same components".
8. Pattern of Assistance:
In short, all expenditure on account of civil works which is not related to the production or processing is excluded. Construction activities on account of labour welfare are excluded totally.
iii. Ineligible components of plant and machinery:
9. Sanctioning and Disbursal Authority:
9.1 The cases for sanction of grant-in-aid shall be decided by a State Level Committee (SLC) comprising of the following members:
1. | Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce | Chairman |
2. | Director General, Agriculture | Member |
3. | Director General, Horticulture | Member |
4. | Director General, Animal Husbandry | Member |
5. | Representative of the Finance Department | Member |
6. | Director General, Industries & Commerce | Member-Secretary |
The committee will meet twice in a year. However, keeping in view the number of cases, its frequency can be increased accordingly.
9.2 Quorum of the meeting: The Quorum of the meeting is four members.
9.3 Disbursal Authority: The Director General of Industries & Commerce shall be competent to disburse the grant after compliance of the requisite formalities.
10. Release of grant: The approved grant-in-aid will be released in 2 installments after the beneficiary has spent his share of equity as per the following schedule:
10.1 Release of the 1stinstalment @ 50% of the approved grant amount will be released directly in a bank account opened specially for this purpose on production of proof of 50% expenditure by the promoter out of its share of equity and also subject to production of the following documents:-
10.2. The 2nd installment @ 50% will be released subject to the following condition:
11. Implementation and Monitoring of Project:
11.1 The implementation schedule for the project will be 24 months from the date of the approval of project. The application for 1st installment should be made within 6 months from the date of approval of grant-in-aid failing which it shall be cancelled by the Competent Authority. Accordingly, the application for 2nd installment shall have to be submitted within 6 months of the release of 1st installment. The extension in the time period of implementation shall be given by the State Level Committee, keeping in view the merits of each case.
11.2 The units availing grant-in-aid under the scheme would have to remain in production for a period of 5 years from the date of commercial production. In case, the unit is closed before the stipulated period, grant-in-aid shall be recovered alongwith compound interest @ 12% per annum.
(Devender Singh) Principal Secretary to
Government of Haryana, Industries and
Commerce Department
Application Form for Setting up of Primary processing Centres/ Collection Centres in rural areas:
Sr. No. | Particulars | Details | |
A. Promoters | |||
1. | Name and Address of the Promoter including telephone, fax, e-mail etc. |
| |
2. | Type of organization like Govt. Institution/ organization, Industry Association, University, NGO, Co-operative, Entrepreneur, partnership firm, Company, etc. |
| |
3. | Background/ credentials of applicant organization. Details of having experience in food proces sing or supply chain management, if any. |
| |
4. | Financial Status |
| |
5. | Existing Industry, if any |
| |
B. Project Description
| |||
6. | Name of the Project |
| |
7. | Location/Area of the project |
| |
8. | Products/By Products |
| |
9. | Complete flow chart of the activities proposed to be undertaken |
| |
10. | Technology (Indigenous/ imported ) |
| |
11. | Capacities of the various components of the PPC/CC |
| |
12 | Commodities/ Products to be handled at PPC/CC |
| |
C. Project Cost (indicating proposed cost, appraised cost separately)
| |||
13. | Capital Investment (Fixed Capital):
| |
14. | Plant & Machinery (Indigenous) (Capacity/ Specifications/ Cost) |
| |
15. | Imported Machinery (Capacity/Specifications/Cost) |
| |
16. | Pre-operative expenses |
| |
17. | Working Capital |
| |
18. | Raw Material / Packaging (Source/Quantity/Cost) Labour (Quantity/Cost) |
| |
19. | Effluent Disposal (Method/Machinery/Cost) |
| |
D. Means of Finance (indicating proposed & appraised means of finance, separately)
| |||
20 | Means of Financing:
| |
21. | Financial Benchmarks:
| |
22. | Details of quality/ safety standards to be followed (if any) |
| |
E. Marketing
| |||
23. | Marketing:
| |
F. Implementation Schedule | |||
24. | Item of work Date of implementation (Bar charts, Milestone charts or PERT/CPM may be enclosed) |
| |
G. Personnel | |||
25 | Details of technical & Managerial personnel (Operation Maintenance, managerial, finance, marketing etc.) required & available |
| |
H. Employment Generation- Direct/Indirect | |||
26. | Direct (Male & Female Separately) b. Indirect (Male & Female Separately) |
Name and Designation
Seal of the organization
Annexure B
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, M/s ________________________, a ___________________(Type of organization) incorporated / registered under the _________________(Name of the Act) and having its registered office at _____________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Obligers”) are held fully and firmly bound to the Governor of State____________ (hereinafter called the “Government”) for the sum of Rs._____________________ (Rupees_____________________________________ only) well and truly to be paid to the Government on demand and without a demur for which payment we firmly bind ourselves and our successors and assignees by these presents.
SIGNED on the _________________________ day of ______________________ in the year Two Thousand ________.
WHEREAS on the Obligers‟ request, the Government as per Sanction Order No.____________________ Dated ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Sanction”) which forms an integral part of these presents, and a copy whereof is annexed hereto and marked as Annexure-I, agreed to make in favour of the Obligers grants-in-aids-in-aid of Rs._______________ (Rupees_____________________________only) for the purpose of_______________________(description of the project) at
______________________________ out of which the sum of Rs.____________ (Rupees_____________________ only) have been paid to the Obligers (the receipt of which the Obligers do hereby admit and acknowledge) on condition of the Obligers executing a bond in the terms and manner contained hereinafter which the Obligers have agreed to do.
NOW the conditions of the above written obligation is such that if the Obligers duly fulfill and comply with all the conditions mentioned in the letter of sanction, the above written Bond or obligation shall be void and of no effect. But otherwise, it shall remain in full force and virtue. The Obligers will abide by the terms & conditions of the grants-in-aid by the target dates, if any specified therein. THAT the Obligers shall not divert the grants-in-aids and entrust execution of the Scheme or work concerned to another institution(s) or organization(s). THAT the Obligers shall abide by any other conditions specified in this agreement and in the event of their failing to comply with the conditions or committing breach of the bond, the Obligers individually and jointly will be liable to refund to the President of India, the entire amount of the grants-in-aid with interest of 10% per annum thereon. If a part of the grants-in-aid is left unspent after the expiry of the period within which it is required to be spent, interest @10% per annum shall be charged upto the date of its refund to the Government, unless it is agreed to be carried over.
The Obligers agree and undertake to surrender / pay the Government the monetary value of all such pecuniary or other benefits which it may receive or derive / have received or derived through / upon unauthorized use of (such as letting out the premises on adequate or less than adequate consideration or use of the premises for any purpose other than that for which the grants-in-aid was intended of the property) buildings created / acquired constructed largely from out of the grants-in-aid sanctioned by the State Government of_______, or the administrative Head of the Department concerned. As regards the monetary value aforementioned to be surrendered / paid to the Government, the decision of the Government will be final and binding on the Obligers. AND THESE PRESENTS ALSO WITNESS THAT the decision of the Chief Secretary to the State Govt. of ____________ on the question whether there has been breach or violation of any of the terms or conditions mentioned in the sanction letter shall be final and binding upon the Obligers and IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed as under on behalf of the Obligers the day herein above written in pursuance of the Resolution No.________________ Dated_____________ passed by the governing body of the Obligers, a copy whereof is annexed hereto as Annexure-II and by _______________________________________ for and on behalf of the Governor of State____________ on the date appearing below:-
Signed for and on behalf of
(Name of the Obliger in block letters)
(Seal / Stamp of Organization)
1. Signature of Witness 2. Signature of Witness
Name & Address Name & Address
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
For and on behalf of the Governor of State____________
Notary Seal & Signature
Annexure C
Declaration of the grantee
I ………………….. S/o ……………………… Resident of …………………………………………………… director / proprietor of M/s ……………………………………. do here by solemnly affirms and state as follows:
(a) That the organization has not obtained/applied for or will not obtain any grant/subsidy from any Ministry/Department of Central Government/GOI organization/agencies and State Government for the same purpose/activity /same components.
Authorized signatory
Annexure D
(Letter Head of the CA)
CA certificate (With membership No. of CA) in the following format:-
(i) Project Cost:
(Rs. In lacs) | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of the component/Item | Project Cost | Cost as appraised by the bank | Actual Cost |
1. | Land |
2. | Building/Civil Works |
3. | Plant & Machinery |
4. | Misc. Fixed Assets |
5. | Other‟s |
| Total |
(ii) Means of Finance:
(Rs. In lacs) | ||||
Sr. No. | Item | Project Cost | As per appraisal report | Actual Cost |
1. | Promoter‟s Equity |
2. | Term Loan |
3. | Unsecured Loan |
4. | Grant-in-aid |
5. | Other‟s |
| Total |
Details of unsecured loans, if any, duly certified by CA.
Signature and Seal of C.A.
Annexure E
Utilization Certificate
(Letter Head of the CA)
Sr. No. | Letter No. & Date | Amount |
1. |
Certified that out of Rs. ---------- of grant-in-aid sanctioned during the year favour of ------------------- under this Ministry/ Department letter No. given in the margin and Rs.------ on account of unspent balance of the previous year, a sum of Rs. ---------- has been utilized for the purpose of --------------- for which it was sanctioned, that the balance of Rs. ---------- remaining un-utilized at the end of the year ---- has been surrendered to Government (vide No. ----dated ----- ) will be adjusted towards the grants-in-aid payable during the next year ------- .
2. Certified that I have satisfied myself that conditions on which the grant-in-aid was sanctioned have been dully fulfilled/ are being fulfilled and that I have exercised the following checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.
Kinds of checks exercised:
Signature (CA)_______________
Counter signature of promoter of company with Seal |