The 18th April, 2016
No. 49/43/2015-4IB1 In pursuance to the provision under Chapter 12 of Enterprises Promotion Policy-2015 notified vide No. 49/43/2015-4IB1 dated 14th August, 2015, the Governor of Haryana is pleased to notify the scheme of “Start-ups/First Generation Entrepreneurs” for setting up of Micro & Small Enterprises. The scheme will consist of the following provisions:
1. Objectives of the Scheme:
To encourage and give support to the prospective start-ups/ first generation entrepreneurs of the State for setting up of Micro & Small ventures having poor financial position.
2. Eligibility Criteria for Start-ups:
Professionals such as Engineers, MBA, CA with five years experience even without having any business background (first generation entrepreneurs) shall be eligible. The net worth of the promoters should be less than the required capital as per their project report. The gap in the promoters contribution shall be bridged by provision of concessional funding from the scheduled banks (the State Government would allow Interest Subsidy @ 5% PA). The facility for providing collateral free loan will also give tremendous support to the start-ups/first generation entrepreneurs.
3. Financial Assistance:
4. Commencement and Applicability:
The Scheme shall commence with effect from 15.8.2015 and shall remain in operation for a period of 5 years. The exemption from payment of VAT/SGST shall be admissible to the units, which come into commercial production on taking effective steps for the setting of industrial units such as filing of EM Part-I/UAM, leasing/ renting/ construction of industrial building, purchase & installation of plant and machinery after 14.08.2015 and before 14.08.2020 shall be admissible for exemption.
5. How to apply:
6. Competent Authority:
The Director Industries & Commerce shall be competent to issue eligibility certificate to Excise and Taxation department for granting benefit of 100% exemption from payment of VAT/SGST net paid upto turnover of Rs. 3.00 crore for three years, whichever is earlier within 30 days from the completion of case.
7. Appellate Authority:
The Entrepreneur can file appeal to the Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce against the decision of Director Industries & Commerce within the 30 days of the communication of the decision. The decision of the Principal Secretary of Industries & Commerce shall be final.
Devender Singh
Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana,
Industries and Commerce Department
Application form for exemption from payment of VAT/SGST by Start-ups/ first generation entrepreneurs.
Sr. No. | Particular | Details |
1. | Name of the entrepreneur |
2. | Business background of entrepreneur/ Father/Mother, if any. |
3. | Professional qualification of the entrepreneur and year of acquiring Qualification (Engineers/ MBA/ CA etc.) |
| Experience of Entrepreneur post professional qualification |
4. | Aadhar No. of Sole Proprietor/ Partners/Directors(Optional) |
5. | Name & address of the unit with telephone no. & e-mail |
6. | Name of the block in which unit is located & category (B/ C/ D) |
7. | Category of the unit (Micro/Small) |
8. | Whether sole proprietorship/ partnership/company |
9. | EM Part-II/UAM (filed under MSMED Act) no. & date |
10. | VAT/SGST registration No. |
11. | Item of manufacture |
12. | Date of commercial production (first sale bill) |
| ||
13. | Details of total fixed capital investment (attached CA certificate) i) Land ii) Building iii) New Plant & Machinery/Equipments |
| ||
14. | Installed capacity in quantity & value. |
15. | Proposed Turnover of the unit(In Rs.) |
16. | Proposed Number of persons employed |
17. Self attested copies of documents to be attached with the application:
Signature of the applicant
(with seal)
I,___________________ do hereby solemnly state that I am proprietor/ partner/ director/___________ of M/s______________________________ located____________ which is engaged in the manufacture of ________________ and I have been authorized to apply for exemption from payment of VAT/SGST with the Department of Industries and Commerce, Haryana.
2. I do hereby affirm that the particulars given in the application are correct. In case any of the statement/ information furnished in the application/ documents later found to be wrong or incorrect or misleading, I do hereby undertake to refund the entire amount of VAT/SGST exemption granted to me, alongwith compound rate of interest @12% per annum, besides facing legal action in case facts contained in this application are proved to be wrong at the time of verification/ checking or otherwise at any stage.
Signature of the applicant
(with seal)
Certificate from Chartered Accountant regarding investment in plant & machinery (on a CA letter head)
To whom it may concern
The records of M/s .................................... with their regd. Office at.......................and factory located at .................. in respect of investment in plant & machinery (original purchase value) of the company has been verified. It is certified that the entrepreneur has installed new plant & machinery and investment made in plant & machinery as on date................ stands as Rs....................
Name & signature of the Chartered Accountant
with stamps & CA membership number