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Important Features of HEEP 2020

1. Enhancing access to markets

1.1.1 Price preference to MSMEs: The State Government has formulated a public procurement policy for MSMEs under which micro and small enterprises will receive several benefits such as exemption on payment of tender fee, earnest money deposit and concession on performance security. The purchase pre ference would be up to 50 % of the t ota l tender ed quantity.

1.1.2 E-commerce platform: The State shall leverage new-age marketing platforms such as e-commerce portal for online trading, marketing of products of MSMEs specially Khadi and Handicraft products. This will aid in promoting Brand Haryana to national and international audiences.

1.1.3 Event promotion: To promote MSME units, the State Government will take initiative to organize buyer-seller meet, vendor development programmes.

1.1.4 Leveraging GoI schemes: Relevant GoI schemes shall be leveraged by the State to further strengthen market linkages and international collaboration.

1.1.5 Knowledge exchange: International knowledge exchange programs for creating an enabling framework for effective tie-ups with MSMEs in countries with strong MSME ecosystem such as Germany, Japan and Singapore shall be encouraged.

2. Quality Improvement

The State will also take initiatives to revive, upgrade and expand sector-focused testing, calibration and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) facilitation centres. It will also undertake awareness programmes to educate MSMEs of schemes initiated by Government of India for the adoption of cutting-edge technology ogies, Quality M ana gem ent S ta ndards an d Zero E ff ect, Zero Defects.

3. Enhancing Productivity

3.1.1 The State shall undertake measures for technological up-gradation of MSMEs to withstand global competition.

3.1.2 Online training platforms and modules shall be promoted as cost-effective measures for skill-up gradation.

3.1.3 The State shall develop database and case studies of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and provide its access to industry for the enhancement of productivity and quality.

4. Promoting Entrepreneurship

4.1.1 The State government shall promote entrepreneurship through financial assistance under the Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP).

4.1.2 World-class incubation centres shall be facilitated in every district to provide thrust to promote start-ups and cultivate innovative ideas. Government shall encourage setting up of incubation centres in premier educational institutes, Universities and Industrial parks.

4.1.3 Development of incubators which provide safe office space, free data and cloud access, and handholding support to start-ups shall be encouraged.

4.1.4 MDOs shall identify the infrastructural gaps of every district for development and support of start-ups and roll out district start-up ecosystem development and promotion plan.

5. MSME Development Offices (MDOs):

5.1.1 MSME Development Offices (MDOs) under Directorate of MSME will be created at the district-level to provide facilitation and advisory support to MSMEs and traders, besides facilitating statutory clearances from government departments. These MDOs will maintain a repository of Business Development Services Providers (BDSPs) available in each district to guide and mentor the MSMEs on various functional areas of an enterprise.

6. MSME Advancement and Nurturing Support (MEANS) Council

A dedicated agency MSME Advancement and Nurturing Support (MEANS) Council is being set up for undertaking promotion, facilitation and developmental activities for furthering the growth of states MSMEs and businesses. The agency will plan and implement programs for enhancing MSME competitiveness. The agency will sensitize MSM Es on va rio us s chemes of Central a s well as State Government that aid their growth. Agency will undertake promotional activities for sensitizing and capacity building of MSMEs and businesses on various areas like ecommerce linkages, technology improvements, financial linkages, and productivity enhancements.

7. Haryana Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council

The State h as also constituted Haryana Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council to facilitate recovery of delayed payments of MSEs stuck beyond 45 days with the buyers of MSME products anywhere in India. For those Micro-Small Enterprises that are established in the State of Haryana, provision shall be made to ef fe ct rec ove ry a s arre ars of land r evenue.

8. Governance Mechanism

The State s hall engage with key MSME stakeholders to plan, execute and monitor focused programs and initiatives. The State Government shall set up an MSME Advisory Committee under the chairmanship of Administrative Secretary, Industries and commerce with representatives of key MSME stakeholders as members. The C ommittee would d eli ber ate o n issues in the lar ge r interest of the MSME in the State, review the impact of various MSME policies and programs and put forward it suggestions to the State Government every 6 months. The committee would provide recommendations for initiating interventions for betterment of States MSME sector.

9. Tool Rooms

Tool Rooms provide support to the Indian industry by way of precision tooling and providing skilled manpower in the area where they are established. To promote the MSME sector manufacturing and skill development, Tool Room has been set-up at IMT Rohtak (over 19.8 acres). Further, Tool Room/ Technology Centre in Industrial G row th Cen tr e, Saha (10 acres) wi th an approximate investment of INR 70 crore, shall be set-up by the Government of India. The land for this project has been provided by the State. This technology centre is expected to train 10,000 trainees every year through various long-term and short-term training programmes. Additional Tool Rooms/ Technology Development Centres are proposed to be set up in Gurugram and Faridabad.

10.Up-gradation of Quality Marking Centres (QMCs)

To support MSMEs for product quality improvements, QMCs were conceptualized. However, with passage of time, the equipments at QMCs have become obsolete. While up-gradation of QMC Faridabad has been approved under TIES and SIID Schemes, QMC at Faridabad, Jagadhari, Bahadurgarh and Hisar shall be revamped duri ng this policy .

11.Haryana Gramin Udyogik Vikas Yojna

In order to promote rural entrepreneurship and balanced regional growth, the scheme shall offer an array of attractive incentives i.e. Capital Subsidy, Interest Subsidy and DG Subsidy for Micro Enterprises in rural areas under the jurisdiction of village panchayat.

12.Fiscal Incentives

A detailed list of fiscal incentives and infrastructure related support offered to MSMEs and Start-ups is provided in Annexure -4.